
Submission is currently disabled for this journal.

Before submitting you should read over the guidelines here, then register an account (or login if you have an existing account).


Privacy Statement


The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Focus and Scope

New Vistas is a fully open access, peer-reviewed journal published by the University of West London (UWL). It provides a forum to disseminate research, commentary, and scholarly work that engages with the complex agenda of Higher Education in its local, national and global context. The journal invites contributions from external and internal authors, with the explicit intention to give a voice to early-career researchers and scholars. It publishes research and scholarly analysis on higher education policy; current issues in Higher Education; Higher Education pedagogy; professional practice; the relation of Higher Education to work and the economy; and discipline-specific research.

Publication Cycle

New Vistas publishes for a broad academic, international and professional readership.

Publication Fees

There are no fees for publication in New Vistas - we're free to everyone!

Copyright Notice


Authors who publish with New Vistas agree to the following terms:

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)  that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal. If you would prefer to publish your work under an alternative Creative Commons License, please indicate this to the Editor, providing reasons for your request (see our Open Access page for more details on licences).

Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.

Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.

Submission Checklist

New Vistas is positioned at the interface between theory and practice. It discusses practical issues with reference to evidence, both empirical and scholarly; and links empirical findings and theoretical insights to the domain of practice. It welcomes thought-provoking scholarly contributions. There should be a focus on application of knowledge, and relevance of research to practice, policy and/or work. There should be engagement with the wider educational/social sector. Work should be accessible to a wide readership and may have explicit engagement with the local community and with national and international contexts and debates.

Each article should be aligned to one of our five thematic areas: 


  1. Policy
  2. Teaching and learning
  3. Work and Practice
  4. Viewpoints
  5. Disciplines



Lengths of proposed submissions

We publish articles of varying lengths, and submissions for publication must fall into of the following requirements (inclusive of reference list):


  • 2000 words
  • 3000 words
  • 4000 words


This is to provide opportunities for different types of contribution, e.g. summaries of research; position papers; discipline-specific issue; full research paper. You may seek advice from the Editor about the length and nature of your contribution.



Articles should start with an abstract of between 75 and 150 words, which gives a complete summary of the article. It should not be an introduction to what is covered but a concise summary of the main points, including your conclusion. The abstract should be unstructured -- that is, no sub-headings.



Papers submitted to New Vistas must be in English. They must be aimed at an international, educated but not necessarily subject specialist audience. They must use clear language and style and avoid jargon and discriminatory language. Sexist or racist terms must not be used. Technical or culture-specific terminology must be explained so that it can be understood by an educated non-specialist readership; similarly, acronyms and abbreviations must be defined and explained where necessary. Please use UK spellings (e.g. –ise rather than –ize).


Presentation and house-style

Notes should only be used exceptionally – it is expected that explanations should be included in the text. If notes are required, only use endnotes. Your manuscript should be submitted in 11 point Arial Font, double-line spaced, and justified to the left only. Capitalisation is not used in titles and headlines – only the first word and proper nouns are in capital letters.


Submission instructions

Please check your submission for the following:


  • A sharp, well considered title of two to six words 
  • Your name and affiliation
  • A stand-first of 10-18 words which summarises the main argument/ideas – telling a reader why they should read it.
  • An abstract of between 75 and 150 words, giving a complete summary of the article.
  • The tag relevant to this article (policy, teaching and learning, practice and work, students, disciplines)
  • An introduction to set the scene for the article, of up to 500 words
  • Up to 5 keywords
  • Papers should include references (no more than 12 references)
  • The text should be clearly organised using short headings and subheadings (no more than 2 levels)
  • The text should be submitted as a Word document using 11-point Arial and double spaced
  • The referencing style is Harvard style


If in any doubt - check an article from a previous edition!

Peer Review

We operate a double-blind peer review system. In this model, the identities of both the reviewers and the authors are concealed from each other in an effort to guard against unintended bias. The handling editor is the only person who knows the identities of all involved. Manuscript files are also routinely stripped of any identifying metadata before they are sent to reviewers. Reviewer feedback is also stripped of identifying details and metadata before being communicated to the author.


Section or article type

Public Submissions

Peer Reviewed



Editor's note

Student profile

Indexing Services

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