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Editor's note

Editor's note

Author: Dennis A. Olsen (University of West London)

  • Editor's note

    Editor's note

    Editor's note


How to Cite:

Olsen, D. A., (2021) “Editor's note”, New Vistas 7(2), 1. doi:



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Now in its seventh year, New Vistas has become the cornerstone of the University of West London’s efforts to disseminate research, commentary, and scholarly work that engages with the complex agenda of higher education (HE) in its local, national and global contexts. This autumn issue features once again a combination of HE and discipline-focused articles both by emerging and established academics.

With the new academic year in full swing, academics around the UK have started to return to on-campus teaching. However, many of us have noticed that the pandemic has brought potentially lasting changes to our profession and the way HE operates. The authors of the first two papers consider the ‘new normal’ for the HE sector. Weerawardane discusses the on-going digital transformation journey in HE that has been accelerated by the pandemic. Hasan explores the effect of the pandemic on the UK’s higher education system, with a focus on education economics.

In the next two papers, the authors look beyond the UK, directing their attention to Africa. In their case study, Duru, Fu and Nimo explore the idea that African countries can achieve manufacturing industrialisation, and thus socio-economic growth, through the appropriate knowledge management. Jika presents a Scoping Review of the literature, which explores the lived experiences of family caregivers for older adults with chronic illness in Nigeria.

The final two papers of this issue emerge from the creative industries. Crewe presents an argument in support of practice-led research. Drawing on his own experience with creative writing, he encourages colleagues also to consider creative writing as a valuable research methodology. Olsen and Scott investigate the discriminatory nature of current British TV adverting at the interface of old(er) age and ethnicity.

This autumn issue of New Vistas heralds new beginnings. Firstly, a new academic year has started. For many academics around the UK, this is the first time in over a year that they will return to on-campus activities full-time. Secondly, New Vistas has a new editor. I wish to take this opportunity to thank my predecessor for his tremendous achievements, leading New Vistas into the digital age and advancing the journal’s ambition for indexing. Following in his footsteps, I will focus the team’s energy on further strengthening New Vistas’ reputation, reach and impact.

Here’s to new beginnings!

Dr Dennis Olsen

New Vistas Editor