Editorial Team
About us
Editor-in-chief: Professor Ali Bahadori-Jahromi
Ali Bahadori-Jahromi is a Professor of Civil Engineering, course leader for undergraduate and postgraduate Civil and Environmental Engineering including the Civil Engineering Degree Apprenticeship, and head of the Building Performance and Climate Change research group. His research group produced several research outputs, a number of PhD graduates for the civil and built environment and attracted collaboration and research funding from leading companies and research centres including: The Hilton, The Concrete Centre, XP Solutions and The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE). Professor Jahromi is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers and is a Chartered Engineer (CEng) recognised by the Engineering Council. He is also a member of the Joint Board of Moderators (JBM) which is the UK accreditation body for Civil Engineering courses and Chartered Examiner for the Institution of Civil Engineers.
Editor: Dr Nagham Saeed Since 2007, I have been deeply engaged in the realm of electrical and electronic engineering, seamlessly integrating teaching and research. In 2011, I successfully concluded my doctoral investigation, titled "Intelligent MANET Optimization System," at Brunel University in the UK. My scholarly pursuits encompass my core subject research and pedagogical exploration. My extensive research works delve into the realm of intelligent systems for smart cities, wherein I apply artificial intelligence algorithms to drive modeling and optimization, resulting in publications in esteemed journals across telecommunications, modeling, industry applications, information, and smart power. I proudly hold memberships in the IET and am recognized as a senior member of IEEE, and a Senior Fellow of HEA. I am also the head of the Internet of Things (IIoT) research group at my university and I've been an active contributor to Technical Programme Committees and Editorial Boards to many well-known international conferences and journals, my expertise extends to reviewing and editing for top-tier international scientific publications, including submissions to IEEE conferences and MDPI journals. My commitment extends beyond academia, assuming key roles such as the IEEE UK & Ireland Vice Chair (December 2023) and IEEE WIE UK & Ireland Chair. I lead female members from all over UK and Ireland aiming to inspire young generation. Additionally, I mentor aspiring engineers and academics who are early in their careers, while also championing the advancement of electronic and electrical engineering among young girls through diverse events and workshops. This dedication has earned me the 2021 University of West London Student Union Best Supervisor/Tutor Award and the prestigious 2022 IEEE Region 8 Outstanding Women in Engineering Section Volunteer Award. |
Editor: Dr Reza Keihani
Dr Reza Keihani is a lecturer in Civil Engineering at the University of West London (UWL). He received the BEng degree in Civil Engineering at Azad University of Dezful (Iran) in 2013 and the MSc degree in Civil Engineering at Coventry University (UK) in 2018 and in 2021, he was awarded the PhD degree in Civil Engineering by the University of West London (UK). His research focuses on reinforced concrete (RC) structures, within which he produced the design of an innovative concrete frame connection in collaboration with The Concrete Centre (UK). Dr Keihani has five years of industrial experience as a structural engineer, both in Iran and in the United Kingdom. In this regard, he is proficient in designing residential and commercial buildings in concrete, steel, masonry and timber, using a wide range of analysis and design software. As an academic, Dr Keihani has experience in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate Civil and Civil and Environmental Engineering modules including Structural Analysis, Construction Management and Sustainability in Civil Engineering. |
David Thomas, Director and Secretary, Temporary Works Forum (TWf) David was appointed a Director of TWf in September 2014. He is also Company Secretary. David is a Chartered Civil Engineer and a Chartered Safety and Health Practitioner. He is the Director of Heightsayfe Ltd. (www.heightsayfe.com). Previous posts include that of SHE Director at William Hare Ltd. - a global leader in engineered steel solutions – and HM Principal Specialist Inspector of Health and Safety (Construction) at the Health and Safety Executive (HSE, 1997 to 2007). In a broad career to date he has held a number of positions in different organisations: multi-disciplinary engineering and management consultancy; health and safety enforcement (in support of criminal proceedings and as a technical specialist); health and safety management (in construction and manufacturing); and the design of equipment, training and support services for professional work at height and rescue. Roles have ranged from that of designer, site engineer, project manager, safety advisor, specialist inspector, safety health and environment director and, presently, company director. These positions have been within large and small organisations, both private and public sector. Whilst at the HSE, David commissioned a number of research projects, including Friction in temporary works (HSE Research Report 071) and Investigation into aspects of falsework (Contract Research Report 394/2001), both undertaken by Birmingham University. He was lead author for Safe erection, use and dismantling of falsework, HSE Construction Information Sheet No. 56, and Chairman of the CIRIA Steering Group that prepared Facade retention – Best practice guide (Report RP626), Retention of masonry facades – best practice guide (Report C579) and Retention of masonry facades – best practice site handbook (Report C589). David was a project group member for Permanent formwork in construction (Report C558, CIRIA), Checklist for the safe erection and dismantling of falsework (CS123, 1999 Concrete Society) and Checklist for the assembly, use and striking of formwork (CS144, 2002, Concrete Society). He is chairman of BSI Technical Committee PH/5, Personal fall protection, has been awarded individual life membership of IRATA International and was a member of the Editorial Board for Safety and Health Practitioner (2014). |
Dr Joseph Amoako-Attah Dr Joseph Amoako-Attah is currently a Senior Lecturer in Liverpool John Mores University. He formally worked as a Lecturer and Building Energy Performance Researcher at the University of West London (UWL), School of Computing and Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering and Built Environment. He also worked as a lecturer in School of Architecture Computing & Engineering, University of East London. He is a chartered engineer (CEng) and holds membership of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (MCIBSE) and International Building Performance Simulation Association - England (MIBPSA). Joseph has proven ability to conduct research in all aspects of building energy and thermal performance; modelling, simulation and optimization including the impact of varying climatic patterns on building performance, building energy efficiency measures, thermal comfort analysis and embodied carbon. He has a personal commitment and ability to deliver research informed teaching which enhances undergraduate and postgraduate students’ experience on how to provide thermal comfort and efficient energy use in buildings, through the application of passive design principles and incorporation of appropriate building services. He has a passion for achieving high-impact research in the sustainable building and infrastructure with the view to look up for innovative and creative solutions to problems, in fulfilling the world’s vision of developing sustainable urban environment and buildings. He is also committed to knowledge transfer and making a difference to global carbon emissions reduction via research and education of all stakeholders. |
Dr Shiva Amirkhani Dr Shiva Amirkhani is a Consultant within Department of Sustainability and Climate Change at WSP in the UK. She completed her PhD in Built Environment Studies in 2022 at University of West London. During her PhD, she worked on energy performance certificates (EPC)s of UK non-domestic buildings, with a focus on hotel buildings. She has disseminated her research findings through several different articles, published in international journals. She has taken part in the process of peer-reviewing for a few journals in her field during the final years of her PhD. Before moving to the UK to pursue her studies in 2017, she was working as an architect for several years in Iran. |
Dr Hooman Tahayori Dr Hooman Tahayori received his Ph.D. degree in informatics from the Universita Degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy, in 2009. He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Information Technology, Shiraz University. He has authored or co-authored more than 60 technical papers in the areas of type-2 fuzzy sets, shadowed sets, granular computing, and perceptual computing. His main research interests include fuzzy sets of higher order, perceptual computing, granular computing, and their applications in various disciplines. |
Professor Mohammad Ali Hadianfard Dr Mohammad Hadianfard is Professor of Structural Engineering and Director of Research in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Shiraz University of Technology. He is engaged in teaching at postgraduate level, specialist advisory work and leading an active research group. He is a chartered engineer and has published more than 70 technical journal and conference papers. He has contributed to number of national standards and his research area covers various areas of structural engineering including Seismic design of structures, Vulnerability and rehabilitation of structures, Structural reliability, Structural failure and progressive collapse, Steel connections and semi-rigid connections, Structural health monitoring and Concrete technology and nondestructive testing.
Dr Katherine Cashell Dr Katherine Cashell is an Associate Professor in Structural Engineering in the Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering (CEGE) at University College London (UCL). Dr Cashell is a Chartered Engineer (CEng), a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (FICE) and a Member of the Institution of Structural Engineers (MIStructE) and Engineers Ireland (MIEI). Prior to joining UCL in November 2022, she worked as a Reader in Structural Engineering at Brunel University London (2012-2022), as a Senior Structural Engineer at the Steel Construction Institute (2010-2012) and a Senior Engineer at High Point Rendel Ltd (2009-2010). She completed her PhD at Imperial College London in 2009, on the subject of the ultimate behaviour of composite floor slabs in fire conditions. Currently, Dr Cashell leads a very active research group, and is engaged in teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Her principal research interests lie in the area of structural testing, numerical modelling and the development of efficient design guidance for steel and composite structures. In particular, she has developed an expertise in the analysis of structural response during extreme loading conditions, such as a fire. She is also actively engaged in researching the use of novel materials such as stainless steel, high strength steel and FRP’s in building and infrastructural applications. In this respect, Dr Cashell has published over 40 articles in internationally leading, peer-reviewed journals, delivered keynote and invited lectures, and has obtained research funding from a wide range of national and international funding agencies. Dr Cashell is actively involved in the Institution of Structural Engineers, and is currently serving as a member of the Council. She is the past Chair of the Great Britain region of Engineers Ireland.. |
Professor Johnson Zhang Dr Professor Zhang is a Professor in Structural Engineering and Head of International for the School of Engineering and the Built Environment at Edinburgh Napier University. Before joining Edinburgh Napier University in 2004, he worked on his PhD project at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology investigating structural performance and developing novel finite elements for transfer plate structures in tall buildings. Prior to his PhD study, he also practised as a structural engineer in China and became a chartered engineer in China in 1999. Professor Zhang's research focuses on engineered bamboo-timber composite in construction, laminate glass structures, pre-stressed concrete and steel-reinforced concrete structures in complex loading conditions. Currently, he is devoting himself to developing bamboo-timber composite materials for long span and tall building structures with a patent filed in 2020. and his research is featured as a case study by the Royal Academy of Engineering. He has extensive experiences in photogrammetry technology, software development and multiple sensor systems in civil engineering studies. In one of his research projects with the advantages of tailored photogrammetry system, he has been able to give several convincing recommendations on the torsion test method for timber beams which have been adopted by the European standard: EN 408. (EN 408:2010 currently under review and revision). He is also an experienced computer programmer who developed several analyse and design software packages for trusses and scaffolding structures. Professor Zhang has led several research and knowledge transfer projects funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering, Scottish Founding Council, Innovation UK, British Council, etc. His research has been published widely in both highly ranked civil engineering journals and conference proceedings. He also frequently organised and chaired special sessions, gave keynote speeches and guest lectures in international conferences and other universities.
Dr Ahmadreza Hakiminejad Dr Ahmadreza Hakiminejad is a Lecturer in Architecture and Urban Studies at Coventry University. He has taught in the UK Higher Education since 2013 and completed his PhD in Built Environment – with a focus on urban sustainability - in 2018. Prior to joining academia, Ahmadreza has worked as an architect in the Middle East in both public and private sector roles. He is a member of The Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He is also a jury member in the international architecture and design competition: Tamayouz Excellence Award. His research interests revolve around critical urban theory, politics of space, urban and architectural history and theory, and urban sociology.
Dr Ajibade Oluwatoyin Dr Oluwatoyin Ajibade is a Lecturer in Civil Engineering in the School of the Built Environment and Architecture. He is a Chartered Civil Engineer by the Engineering Council through the Institution of Civil Engineers (CEng MICE) and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He holds a PhD degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Greenwich, an MSc degree in Civil and Environmental from the University of West London, as well as a BEng Honours degree. Prior to joining LSBU, he worked as a Research Associate on a Knowledge Exchange and Embed Partnership (KEEP+) between the University of Greenwich and Roadfill Ltd. to develop a new road surfacing product from synthesis of asphalt concrete and recycled plastics. He also worked as a Research Associate on a project entitled “Novel regolith-based structural material for resilient adobe structures in extraterrestrial environments
Dr Ahmed Mohamed Dr Ahmed Mohamed is a lecturer at the School of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment at Edinburgh Napier University. He joined Edinburgh Napier University since 2010. Before joining Edinburgh Napier University, he worked as a teaching assistant and a lecturer in Civil Engineering Department at Omar Al Mukhtar University in Libya. Ahmed has led or co-investigated several research projects funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering, Scottish Founding Council and Energy Technology Partnership. His research outcomes have been published in several prestigious research journals in civil engineering subject areas. Ahmed's research focuses on the area of timber engineering, bio-base composite materials in construction, non-destructive test technology in civil engineering as well as the development of high strength and performance green concrete. He is teaching the finite element module in MSc level and he has a strong background in using the finite element soft are for modelling complex structures. |
Professor Başak Taşeli Professor Taseli has 28 years of experience in the following fields: environmental management, waste prevention, renewable energies, and zero waste. She has completed a Ph.D. in environmental sciences-biodegradation of toxic organic compounds at Middle East Technical University. She also has a M.Sc. from Middle East Technical University in soil pollution due to thermal power plants. Additionally, she has experience working in national/international environmental projects. Professor Taseli is member of Chamber of Chartered Environmental Engineers, Board member of Giresun University, Academic Editor of Achieves of Current Research International, Editorial Board Member of Pollution, Remediation & Biodegradation Journal and Editorial Board Member of ACTA Scientific Microbiology. Furthermore, she has more than 10 years of experience working in EU-funded Erasmus projects by coordinating several projects as promoter and partner. |
Dr Alireza Behnejad Dr Alireza Behnejad is an Associate Professor at the School of Sustainability, Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Surrey, UK. He achieved his first master’s degree in architectural engineering in 2001, followed by a second MSc in Structural Engineering and a PhD in Geometry of Spatial Structures in 2018, both from the University of Surrey. Alireza is the Director of the Spatial Structures Research Centre of the University established by Prof Z S Makowski in 1963. He has also had thirteen years of experience as an Architect and Director of a company in the field of design and construction of prefabricated light weight structures, prior to joining the Centre. Alireza has organised several international conferences including the Spatial Structures Conference in 2021 (IASS2020/21), the first ever fully virtual symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS). He is a member of the Executive Council of the IASS and the founding chair of the working group on Teaching of Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS-WG20). He also organised workshops and special courses in several universities across three different continents. His research interests include the ‘Design and Construction of Spatial Structures’, ‘Formex Configuration Processing’, ‘Bio-based Construction Materials Such as Bamboo’, ‘Regularity of Structural Forms’ and ‘Engineering Education’. Alireza received the Vice-Chancellor's Award for Teacher of the Year at Surrey in 2021 due to making significant contribution to enhancing students’ learning experience and the quality of their learning. He is also the Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Space Structures, established by Prof Hoshyar Nooshin in 1985 and the Founding Editor of the Spatial Structures; Movers and Shakers e-magazine. |
Dr Donya Hajializadeh Dr Donya Hajializadeh is a Chartered Engineer, Senior Lecturer in Bridge/Structural Engineering, Director of Employability at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), University of Surrey and Fellow of the Surrey Institute for People-Centred Artificial Intelligence (AI). Following her PhD completion, she has spent three years in the industry as a Research Engineer. Subsequently, she was appointed as a Senior Lecturer in Civil/Structural Engineering at Anglia Ruskin University for nearly 3 years prior to joining the University of Surrey in 2018. Donya’s principal areas of research include structure and infrastructure health monitoring, application of machine learning approaches in direct and indirect data-driven damage identification systems, risk and resilience-focused decision making in transport networks, and digital twinning. Donya is an active member of several professional bodies, including the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), the Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE), the Institution of Engineers of Ireland (IEI), the European Federation of National Engineers Associations (FEANI) and the Women’s Engineering Society (WES). |
Dr Panagiotis Patlakas Dr Panagiotis Patlakas is a structural engineer with further qualifications in architecture and a strong interest in information technology. His research interests cover a range of topics in these fields, such as structural timber design, digital civil engineering, and sustainability. He is particularly interested in the development of software technologies to promote sustainability and automate processes, and has been a developer, consultant, principal investigator and co-investigator in a range of professional and academic projects. Panagiotis is an Associate Professor in Civil Engineering at Birmingham City University, where he leads the Civil Engineering team. |
Dr Abubakar Kawuwa Sani Dr Abubakar Kawuwa Sani is a geotechnical engineer at A-squared Studio Engineers Ltd, and specialises in the design of foundations, retaining walls and other sub-structural systems. He has been involved in the design of geostructural systems both in and outside of the UK. Dr Sani obtained his PhD from the civil engineering department at the University of Surrey, and worked as a research fellow/lecturer at the same department, prior to joining A-squared Studio. His area of research interest includes geothermal energy piles, energy geostructures, ground source heat pump systems, pile foundations, phase change materials, energy storage, heat, and moisture flow in a porous media. |
Dr Bolanle Noruwa In her early career, Dr Bolanle Noruwa has worked in consultancy firms carrying out primary quantity surveying duties of keeping close eyes on construction project finances and contractual relationships during pre and post contract period. Before joining the University of West London, Dr Bolanle Noruwa taught Quantity Surveying outside the United Kingdom. She was a lecturer in Quantity Surveying at Birmingham Metropolitan College, Coventry University, and a Senior Lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford. She has a passion for teaching and research. Having supervised many undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations, she is proficient with SPSS and NVivo 12 software. |
Engr. Shah Room Engr. Shah Room is a lecturer at the University of Technology, Nowshera, Pakistan, with over 12 years of experience in teaching, research, and professional practice. He graduated top of his class in Civil Engineering and completed his Master’s in Structural Engineering with honors. He has held academic positions at renowned universities, including the University of South Asia, Lahore, and City University of Science & IT, Peshawar. |
Professor Sam Wamuziri, BSc(Eng), MSc, PhD, MBA, CEng, FICE, FASCE, FAPM, FRSA Professor Sam Wamuziri has extensive experience in teaching, research and practice in Civil Engineering and Construction Management. He holds a first class honours BSc(Eng) in Civil Engineering degree from Makerere University, Uganda obtained in 1985. He attended the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) as a commonwealth scholar obtaining his MSc in Structural Engineering in 1988 and a PhD in Civil Engineering in 1992. He is a chartered civil engineer and in addition, he holds an MBA with Distinction from the University of Edinburgh gained in 1999. He has supervised 55 MSc and 16 PhD students to successful completion. He has authored over 100 scientific research papers. He serves on the editorial board of several international journals. He served as an academic advisor to the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom from 2007 to 2013. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (FICE), Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (F.ASCE), Fellow of the Association for Project Management (FAPM), and Fellow of the Royal Society for Encouragement of the Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA). He joined the University of Buraimi as Professor and Dean for the College of Engineering in April 2024.

Civil Engineering, University of Technology, Nowshera